Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Morristown, NJ

Enjoy a Modern Dental Experience

Smiling brunette woman with long ponytail

Many people don’t realize just how quickly the field of dentistry can change thanks to new technology and techniques being frequently introduced. Dr. Henkin keeps a close eye on the latest research so that she can update the service that our practice provides accordingly. You’ll find all kinds of advancements at our office, such as putty-free digital impressions and devices that can administer local anesthetic without pain. Here are some examples of how we can improve your care with modern dental instruments. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in setting up an appointment at our state-of-the-art Morristown dental office.

Intraoral Camera

Dental team member holding intraoral oral camera

There’s quite a bit to examine inside your mouth, and it can be difficult to check every corner as thoroughly as possible with the naked eye alone. As such, we can use an intraoral camera to capture pictures of your smile from different angles. Once these images are displayed on a monitor, we can use them to look for concerning oral symptoms. Not only that, but you’ll be able to get a look at the images as well. If there are any problem areas, we can point them out to you so that you understand what steps are necessary to keep your entire mouth safe.

Dental X-Rays

Dentist pointing to x ray of teeth

Sometimes the earliest warning signs of a serious oral health issue might occur beneath your gums. As such, it’s important for us to take X-rays of your mouth and jaw at least once a year. Our practice has switched over to digital dental X-rays due to all the advantages they offer. The images can be developed in less time without the need for a darkroom, and the results tend to be sharper. Furthermore, a digital X-ray emits MUCH less radiation than a traditional one.

Digital Dental Impression System

Dentist capturing digital impressions of teeth

Many patients don’t enjoy having to bite down on dental putty in order to have an impression taken. But with our digital dental impression system, there’s no need for the putty. All we have to do is use our digital impression system to take some scans of your mouth. These scans can be used to create a virtual model of your teeth that can aid in the process of designing a crown or another type of dental restoration. This approach is less prone to errors compared to traditional impressions, so there’s less of a chance of needing to have them redone.

In-Office Dental Lab

Dentist crafting a same day dental crown

The vast majority of dental practices get crowns, bridges, and veneers from outside dental labs. It therefore typically takes at least two appointments to receive a restoration. Said appointments could be separated by a week or more. However, at Skyline Dental of Morristown, we’re proud to have a dental lab on-site. That means that we can create and place your restoration in just one day. Not only does this reduce the number of appointments you’ll have to find time in your schedule for, but you also won’t have to worry about wearing a temporary crown.

TMJ Treatment

Man touching his temples with eyes closed

We’re obviously concerned about the health of your teeth and gums, but your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) needs to be considered as well. The TMJ is what allows you to move your jaw to chew your food, pronounce a variety of words, and perform other basic tasks like yawning. Frequent strain or constant grinding of the teeth can lead to problems with your TMJ. With a thorough examination, Dr. Henkin can narrow down the underlying cause of the issue. She can often reduce your pain with Botox injections, and she’ll look for ways to adjust the balance of your bite in order to help you find relief in the long term.

Dental Patient Amenities

Smiling woman leaning back in dental chair

Visiting the dentist shouldn’t have to be a stressful experience. We do what we can to make each visit as enjoyable as possible. For example, in each of our treatment rooms, you’ll find a TV on the wall and on the ceiling, allowing you to watch Netflix throughout your appointment. You’ll be surprised at how quickly time seems to fly by when you’re able to focus on your favorite show instead of what’s going on inside your mouth. Feel free to ask about our other amenities when you give our office a call.