Morristown, NJ Dentist

Get to Know
Aliana Henkin, DMD

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Dr. Henkin first started practicing dentistry in 2007, and her gentle and compassionate nature goes a long way toward helping patients at Skyline Dental of Morristown feel genuinely at ease. She also has a keen talent for noticing the smallest details throughout the treatment process, resulting in beautiful, long-lasting improvements for even the most difficult smile cases! To put it simply, her job is her happy place, and she can’t wait to welcome you to our Morristown dental office soon. Interested in learning more about her? Just keep reading below.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Dentist?

Doctor Henkin wearing dental binoculars while treating a patient

Dr. Henkin knew that she wanted to pursue a career in dentistry ever since she was a child. Both of her parents are dentists, and seeing firsthand the rewards, challenges, and personal growth they experienced in their jobs provided her with limitless inspiration to follow in their footsteps. They currently own and operate one of the most prominent, well-respected dental clinics in the city, which has also given her valuable insight into how quality dental services can support the community’s health and improve lives. More than anything, she wants to continue her family’s legacy with her very own dental practice!

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Exterior of building at Rutgers University School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Henkin completed her doctorate at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, and her particular areas of interest are cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, dental implants, and oral surgery. While in school, she was selected to join the Gamma Pi Delta Prosthodontic Honor Society, which is an honor bestowed on a small group of dental students who are distinguished as the most dedicated and hardworking in their class. In her post-college years, she’s attended advanced courses in implantology, endodontics, BOTOX, dermal fillings, and CEREC. She is also very proud to be a Fellow of the International Dental Implant Association and a current member of the American Dental Association and New Jersey Dental Association.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Orchestra performing in auditorium

When she isn’t busy at the dental office, Dr. Henkin spends lots and lots of quality time with her husband and daughter at home. She’s also very passionate about going to orchestra concerts, the opera, and Broadway shows whenever she gets the opportunity!