Invisalign Clear Aligners – Morristown, NJ

Straightening Your Smile Without Brackets and Wires

Smiling woman pointing to Invisalign clear aligner

Maybe you had braces as a child but have recently noticed that your teeth have shifted out of their proper positions over the years. Or perhaps you never wore braces in the first place but would still like to enjoy the benefits of a straighter smile. Whatever the case, Invisalign can often be a great way to enhance your grin. Are you interested in an orthodontic treatment that doesn’t involve brackets or wires? Reach out to Skyline Dental of Morristown today. Once our team has finished examining your teeth, Dr. Henkin can decide whether your grin would benefit from Invisalign in Morristown.

Why Choose Skyline Dental of Morristown for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Customized, Image-Friendly Aligners
  • Dental Team That Treats You Like Family
  • Early, Late, and Saturday Appointments

How Does Invisalign Work?

Close up of person holding Invisalign tray

Invisalign treatment utilizes a number of trays that put a small amount of pressure on your teeth. Wearing these trays for a set amount of time each day (20 to 22 hours at minimum) will help your teeth gradually move to where they’re supposed to be. Invisalign trays are made out of transparent plastic, so you can wear them in front of others without having to worry about how they might affect your appearance. Also, you can take your trays out of your mouth so that they don’t get in the way during meals.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

Dentist showing Invisalign aligner to a patient
  • Clear plastic alignment trays tend to be more comfortable than traditional braces.
  • There won’t be any brackets or wires for you to work around when brushing your teeth.
  • You won’t have to make any major changes to your diet.
  • The discreet appearance of the trays can help you maintain a professional image at work.
  • Invisalign typically requires fewer appointments than a traditional orthodontic procedure.
  • In many cases, Invisalign can help you achieve results in just 12 to 18 months, which is less time than the average treatment involving braces.